LRCGB Flyer Day on April 27

LRCGB Flyer Day on April 27

Alas, despite several calls for participation we didn’t get more than a handful of stalwarts signing up to attend the Flyer Day at Nod Brook. Given the expense of getting birds and the logistics issues we’re going to cancel the event this year.
Fortunately, Pioneer Valley has the property the next day, Sunday, April 28 and has invited us to join them for a training day with dead birds.  The cost for joining them is $5 for the day plus $1.50 per dog. Please let Mike Richards know if you are interested in joining them.
I’d like to thank Marsha for her commitment to pulling this event off – she worked hard to make it happen but it’s clear that Nod Brook being way out of the core area of the club makes it hard to attract enough participants. One option for next year we will be discussing is to join forces with Pioneer Valley to create a critical mass.
Those who have registered will of course receive a full refund.

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