• At all times, groups in a closed area will need to be kept to 10 people or less.
  • We will to the largest extent possible, use our own equipment – not shared equipment.
  • Where this is not possible or not practical (e.g., wingers), we will follow the AKC recommendations of wiping those pieces of equipment down when they get passed on to someone else.  That means ***PLEASE BRING DISINFECTANT WIPES*** or similar cleansing agents to the training.
  • We will keep a minimal distance of 6 feet. Conveniently, this is the length of an average leash, so we should all be familiar with it.
  • Where this is not possible or practical, the use of face covering is mandatory.
  • Use of gloves is mandatory.
  • As it is not practical to run your dog without a whistle in your mouth, everyone has to keep a safe distance from handlers not wearing a facemask.
  • We will practice mutual adult supervision and remind each other if needed to stick to the rules.
  • If dogwalkers express concerns about our activities, Pat Huckery the Regional Director for Mass Wildlife, has asked us to tell them to call her.
  • A sign will be posted at the entry to Delaney to announce our activities and our compliance with COVID-19 rules to the public.


  • Will go forward, but to limit the numbers we will run a morning and an afternoon session, at least until regulations get relaxed.
  • Morning group will start at 10 am. Afternoon group at 5 pm.
  • Register your preference with Joey Edsall, then please stick to your choice to make sure we have a) enough people to make it workable, and b) not too many people so we stay under the 10 person limit  – we will re-evaluate in four weeks how this is working out.
  • Signup again through email– Joey will update form as needed.


  • Will go forward as planned. Nancie has a plan to ensure COVID-19 safe practices.
  • If you run a dog in the beginners class, please refrain from running a dog in the regular training group – unless there is an empty spot, as defined by the week’s lead.
  • No guests allowed to watch. If anyone brings a friend or partner along they need to stay in the car.


  • Will go forward as planned.
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